We are looking for European volunteers!
Welcome to the Berlin city mission!
We want to expand our previous volunteer program internationally, as we have found that meeting people, living together and learning from each other, reduces prejudices and strengthens common ground. Due to the increased number of European and non-European migrants, there is a greater need for support from multilingual volunteers.
We want to educate and raise young people's awareness of social action and thinking in a globalized world.
We want to offer young people the wonderful opportunity to get to know new cultures and our Christian values.
The Projects
At the moment we offer volunteering possibilities in seven different projects which are accredited in the European Solidarity Corp.
The projects are:
- City Station https://www.berliner-stadtmission.de/city-station
- Notübernachtung am Containerbahnhof https://www.berliner-stadtmission.de/angebote/armut-und-wohnungslosigkeit#notuebernachtung-am-containerbahnhof-nac
- Komm&Sieh https://www.berliner-stadtmission.de/komm-sieh
- Kita Weit.Blick https://www.berliner-stadtmission.de/weitblick/kindertagesstaette
- Kita Himmels.Blick https://www.berliner-stadtmission.de/angebote/familien-kinder-und-jugendliche#ev-kindertagesstaette-himmelsblick
- SUN https://www.berliner-stadtmission.de/sun
The Coordinating Organisation
The Berlin City Mission Association was founded in 1877 and is part of the Association of European City Missions (AGES). It faces the challenges of poverty, homelessness, illness, old age and lack of educational opportunities. Specifically, we work here locally with a focus on families, seniors, the disabled, people in special situations and in community-oriented, integrative work with children and young people. The staff includes social workers, educators, therapists and Evangelical pastors.
The motivation and guideline of our work is the Christian image of man, which is characterized by love for others, respect and tolerance for the individual. It is particularly important to us to inspire the next generation and to win over young people for this assignment. An international exchange is helpful and important in order to meet the global challenge with a network of social aid.
What we offer:
In our center, small apartments are available for the volunteers. The international student residence is also located in the same building, so that the volunteers can take part in the large community living. With a comprehensive introduction and intensive support, we ensure that the volunteers find optimal living and working conditions. This also includes instruction on the necessary occupational safety regulations and pedagogical standards.
Our offer in detail:
- German language course in Berlin if required
- regular interviews
- monthly group talks with other volunteers
- seminars for half-yearly evaluation
- individual discussions to clarify difficult situations that can arise from the group, the work assignment and the new environment, but also from yourself
- support in the self-discovery process and recognition of your own limits
- support in current crisis situations
- invitations to city mission events and group activities
All volunteers who come to us in the Berlin City Mission take part in an introductory seminar at the beginning of their voluntary service. Appropriate qualifying seminars are offered and carried out depending on requirements.
Opportunities for the volunteers
By working with our clients in different areas, we offer volunteers the opportunity to develop on an emotional level. We also offer seminars and reflection talks. In addition, there is the possibility within the work, depending on interest and own skills, to realize own projects.
Further growth potential:
- insight into the social system in Berlin
- dealing with refugees who come to Berlin
- dealing with marginalized social groups
- social and educational content
- cultural sensitivity
- different social aid approaches
- get to know tasks within the control system and the Berlin emergency aid system
- exchange and get to know German volunteers
We expect from our volunteers
- engaging in the spirit of empowerment with all possibilities, motivated and open to new structures and opportunities for action
- willingness to face instructions
- questioning oneself with one's own reality of life
- reflect critically on his own (work) behavior
- joy of getting involved in the differentness of people
- the prerequisites to work independently but also team-oriented
The Application Process
The application is open to all young people who have sufficient German language skills (level A2). Interested parties receive information about our plant and the specific locations. In the second phase, you will get to know each other personally, if possible. If this is not possible, a standardized catalog of questions should serve to enable the applicant to present himself comprehensively. The contents of the questionnaire are e.g. on the development history of the volunteer, previous voluntary engagement in communities and social associations, certificates or evaluations of the work, personal motivation, willingness and interest to deal with the basics and goals, the working method and the tasks of the host organization. The aim of the application phase is to get a comprehensive picture of the personality of the individual in order to find out whether the corresponding requirement profile matches our expectations and requirements. If the volunteer fulfills the essential requirements for the volunteer year, the applicant will be informed of the result promptly.